“I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.” – Jorge Luis Borges, poet and writer
Tucked away on an upper floor of Futuraskolan Rådan is the library. It is a small, cozy space filled with books.
The majority of books are in Swedish and English, but there is a small collection of books in other languages as well. The books are organized by language and then by age group: Swedish books on the right and English books on the left. There is a separate section for both Swedish and English non-fiction.
The books for the younger students are arranged in boxes by subject. There is a picture on the box identifying the subject. There are also boxes for the middle year students’ books and these are colour-coded alphabetically to help the students find their favourite author.
Several grade 5 students have become library helpers and are learning how to sign out and check in books, how to mend broken books and how to reshelve returned books.
Futuraskolan works with LGR11 and the International Primary and Middle Years Curricula. Teachers and classes rely on both fiction and non-fiction books from the library that complement the topics they are working with.
The library is a used by students and classes, as a meeting area, and for two different book clubs.
Here are some very early morning pictures of Futuraskolan Rådan’s library.

A library with a Morning View

Very Early Morning in the Library

A bit of Light in the Library