There are very few examples of traditional ice houses left in Sweden. Rådan’s ice house is one of these. An ice house was used for keeping food cold before buildings had electricity and fridges. When Rådan was a girls’ school, the ice house was kept stocked with ice and acted as a refrigerator for the school’s food.
In the winter, enough blocks of ice were cut from the lake to fill the ice shed. The ice was then covered with sawdust. At the beginning of summer the blocks of ice were placed high up against the shelves and by August there wasn’t much ice left. The sawdust imparted a certain turpentine flavor to everything stored in the ice shed according to one source.
Sollentuna municipality maintains and preserves Rådan’s ice house and the park surrounding it. Starting at the end of November, Sollentuna municipality’s property management department, overseen by Kary Aarni, will undertake a major renovation of the ice house and the park area around the building. The preservation work will take about two weeks to complete.
Fashion on Other Planets – A Design Class
Futuraskolan International Rådan’s grade 7:b class got to use their imagination in sewing class. Learners selected a planet and researched the meaning of the planet’s name and what the planet is like. Learners then used this information to create an outfit for people who lived on the planet (assuming that there was an oxygen atmosphere and the inhabitants were human).
The learners showed amazing creativity in their designs!
Mixed Material Art – Bringing the Outdoors InFuturaskolan International Rådan’s grade 5 and 5 learners had a class in MMA – Mixed Material Arts! The learners used items from the school yard to make their own MMA. Here are some of their creative projects.
Old Plates…Nothing Goes to Waste at Futuraskolan Rådan!What happens when art teachers discover dozens of old plates in a dusty corner of the basement? Well, creative designing, of course!
Earlier this term, the art teachers found a few dozen unused plates tucked away in the basement and they immediately started coming up with ideas of how to incorporate them into the art lessons.
This week the students started making holiday plates using some special paint and a couple of potters wheels.
Stay tuned to see their creative results!
Silverdalselever har gått till riksfinal – a look back!Today, Futuraskolan International Rådan’s chess teacher, Göran Klar, reminded us of this memorable moment!
Publicerad 06:01, 1 jun 2016
– Det är stort! Speciellt eftersom ganska många var nybörjare när vi började spela, säger Luwam Tekleab, 11.
När Mitt i Sollentuna besöker klassen under en mattelektion lyser både pennor och block med sin frånvaro. Istället sitter eleverna med schackbräden framför sig på bänkarna.
– Varsågoda att börja spela, ropar instruktören Göran Klar.
På hans kommando övergår ett högt sorl i dämpade viskningar och ljudet av pjäser som flyttas ut på brädena.
Den här terminen har eleverna i årskurs 4 och 5 på Rådan för första gången haft schack på mattelektionerna. Ny ska försöket utvärderas, och lyssnar man på eleverna vill de gärna fortsätta.
– Man blir bättre på att tänka och koncentrera sig. Det är avslappnande för det är så tyst när vi spelar, det är det inte i de andra ämnena, berättar Niki Dennius, 10.
Även rektor Catharina Tornberg är positiv och ser med tillförsikt på utvärderingen som väntar.
– Vi har erfarenhet av detta på andra Futuraskolor, på Lidingö, och där har vi sett positiva resultat i matematikämnet när det handlar om fokus, logiskt tänkande och koncentrationsförmåga. Det är också ett bra sätt att jobba med teambuilding där tjejer och killar spelar i par, säger hon.
Johan Sjölund
Quick Sketches from Art Class
In the spring, one of the art classes took advantage of the warm weather and had a lesson outside. They sketched Rådan during their class. These are the results.