IPC unit Fascinating Forces

Grade 4 is working on the unit “Fascinating Forces”. In this unit, we studied the scientific method and how to conduct proper and accurate experiments. We looked at the different steps that proper scientists take in order to conduct an experiment. Grade 4 also learned about the different variables that are related to the different experiments. We looked at the different states of matter and their characteristics, we researched information related to atoms and molecules and found what makes them different and we studied various forces that we encounter in our daily life such as pull, push, gravity, air resistance, and friction.

Kreativ Redovisning – Harry Potter

Eleverna fortsätter att briljera med sina kreativa redovisningar. Här har en elev läst en av böckerna i serien om Harry Potter och redovisat genom att tillverka ett eget brevpapper, textat fint samt tagit med en trollstav och instruerat för klassen hur den använda i filmen.

Detta inspirerade många andra elever och brevskrivande är nu väldigt populärt i åk 4-6.

Några skriver brev till författaren av boken de läst. Några skriver brev till en av karaktärerna i boken de läser.

Kreativiteten flödar och vi inspirerar varandra.

IPC Unit- Champions for change

Our first unit “Champions for change” was focusing on a very significant topic, democracy, and the importance of participation. In grade 4 we started with an inquiry into the different types of government around the world and then we focused on democracy. We learned about the roots of this political system and the different types of democracy that are currently in various countries, including Sweden. Taking this unit as inspiration, learners prepared for the student council representatives elections. In Art, we learned about the principles of graphic design and color theory and made our own campaign poster. In English, we looked at persuasive text and arguments and prepared a speech about why people should vote for us. Our exit point was of course the class elections!

Läsprojektet – ÅK 4

Att läsa oss hela vägen till månen under läsåret har startat och årskurs 4 är sannerligen igång.

De har startat läsåret med ett fantastiskt engagemang och en härlig kreativitet. Se nedan hur två elever presenterat boken Narnia genom att skapa en scen från boken med hjälp av lego. Till det presenterade de bokens handling utan att avslöja för mycket, vilket har lett till att fler vill läsa samma bok.

“Jag är otroligt stolt över elevernas läslust, intresse och kreativitet,” hälsar Johanna Wiksten, “Legot har inspirerat andra klasser att skapa egna miljöer, beskrivningar och karaktärer som vi alla ser fram emot att få ta del av.”

…And We’re BACK! – Reading to the Moon and Back that is

Welcome back to a new school year.

Last year’s challenging and successful I Love Reading to the Moon and Back was such a hit that the language teachers and the students decided to do it all again.

On August 18, the second day of school, the students in grades 4, 5, and 6 were already in the school library choosing their first books for the challenge.

In just 10 days, on August 28, seventy students had read 5000 pages! The students proudly put the first book up in the Reading to the Moon display.

Well done and keep reading!

Reading to Moon – May Landing!

Better late than never!

Futuraskolan International Rådan is thrilled to announce that on May 29, 2020, grades 4, 5, 6A and 6B reached the moon!

Eighty two students read a total of 385,000 pages in 10 months! What an achievement!

Well done!


Sofiadagen 2020

The year 1890 Sofia Alm started Rådan skolan as a foundation to ensure girls from less fortunate circumstances to be granted a basic education. The girls lived at Rådan from 5-18 years old. Every year on the 15th of May, when Sofias name is celebrated in the Swedish calendar, Rådan skolan raises money to Malala fund in Sofias memory!

Find out what Rådan got up to HERE


Grade 4 – Charlotte’s Web, Novel Study

Grade 4 studied the novel Charlotte’s Web last term. As a final project they created a web that conveyed a positive and inspiring message to a friend. Connecting with Sustainable Development Goals, learners made their web from reusable materials found around their home. 


The purpose of the activity was to send a positive message to a friend to boost their self-esteem. Design your own web with a message to cheer your friend up and make them feel terrific again. Being a person who believes strongly in sustainable development you must try to buy nothing to make your web. By using recycled materials to build your web you are taking care of the environment.

Learning Goals:


The learners write an organised report listing their materials, procedure and showing well developed reasoning behind their web’s message.


The learners make well-developed documentation of their work with sketches, models or texts where the intentions at work are well-visible.

How I made my web – By Luke


Wooden sticks


A screw

Pen and paper

2 plastic spiders left from last Halloween


  1. First I took 3 wooden sticks from my little brother’s pile of sticks and attached them together with a screw. 
  2. Then I took yarn from my mother’ s yarn box. I used the yarn to tie the wed around the  sticks. 
  3. After that I wrote the letters and cut them out.
  4. I made small holes in the letters and then used the black yarn to hang them in the web. 



“You are awesome”

I think it is a kind thing to say to somebody.

What I used

1.One broken rc propeller

2.Two flowersticks

3.One broken hanger

4.One guitar string

5.Old thread from the 60s

6.Six  fluffy sticks

7.A hot glue gun 

I glued the propeller,flower sticks and hanger to get the base of the web. 

When I finished the base I started with putting the string around.

When I finished putting the string and thread around the web I  starteith the letters K I N D and a spider.Then I was DONE!

Guitar string stolen from my brother

The kind web is done!



Grade 4 The Amazing Brain

Description of activity

Grade 4 researched different areas of the brain to create a video to teach children about the brain and how it works. Here is there documentary of the brain. The Brain

IPC Goal:

Know about some of the different areas of the brain and their function:

Reading to the Moon – Holiday Pages!

Futuraskolan International Rådan’s I Love Reading to the Moon and Back challenge made great gains during the holidays.

So far the students have read an amazing 125 000 pages!

The students in grades 4, 5 and 6 read so many pages over the holidays that the teachers are still counting the pages, listening to presentations and reading book reviews!

Well done, everyone!