Mixed Material Art – Bringing the Outdoors In

Futuraskolan International Rådan’s grade 5 and 5 learners had a class in MMA – Mixed Material Arts! The learners used items from the school yard to make their own MMA. Here are some of their creative projects.

Old Plates…Nothing Goes to Waste at Futuraskolan Rådan!

What happens when art teachers discover dozens of old plates in a dusty corner of the basement?  Well, creative designing, of course!

Earlier this term, the art teachers found a few dozen unused plates tucked away in the basement and they immediately started coming up with ideas of how to incorporate them into the art lessons.

This week the students started making holiday plates using some special paint and a couple of potters wheels.

Stay tuned to see their creative results!

This term the sixth graders have been working on the IMYC Big idea ‘Adaptability’.
During their entry point, the learners had to decipher how to complete an obstacle course in different scenarios.
Physical changes were made to their bodies and the learners had adapted their movements to achieve their goal.
This was not only a physical challenge but one that tested their intellect and patience.

Det är inte ofta vi skriver brev längre. Årskurs 6 har fått öva på att skriva informella och formella brev till en mottagare och i brevlådan har det idag postats brev till avlägsna släktingar, vänner, idoler, förebilder och inspiratörer.

Några brev översattes även till engelska, bland annat till Barack Obama, fotbollsspelaren Messi och Emma Watson. Nu är det spända elever och lärare för den delen som håller tummarna för svar. Vem vet, kanske dyker det upp ett brev i brevlådan lagom till jul?

Detta var en uppskattad och lärorik uppgift och kanske inspirerades några elever att kommunicera på detta sätt som ett komplement till all fantastisk teknik.

The School Safety Team – New Members

Futuraskolan International Rådan’s School Safety Team welcomed two new members: Borna and Nachuan are the new representatives for F-5 and Tim is the representative for 6-9.

Today, the new members learned how to check if a fire extinguisher is ok to use by looking to see if the needle is in the green. They also are learning to why the fire extinguishers are placed in specific positions around the school and why a fire exit must be kept free of furniture and other items.

Well done, team!

Kreativ Redovisning – Harry Potter

Eleverna fortsätter att briljera med sina kreativa redovisningar. Här har en elev läst en av böckerna i serien om Harry Potter och redovisat genom att tillverka ett eget brevpapper, textat fint samt tagit med en trollstav och instruerat för klassen hur den använda i filmen.

Detta inspirerade många andra elever och brevskrivande är nu väldigt populärt i åk 4-6.

Några skriver brev till författaren av boken de läst. Några skriver brev till en av karaktärerna i boken de läser.

Kreativiteten flödar och vi inspirerar varandra.

UN Day at Rådan

Today, the students in grades 6, 7, 8, and 9 participated in UN Day. They were divided into countries and participated in debates representing their countries’ interests.

There was also a tasty UN Day fika. The students made goodies to share with their classmates.

Flexing our Muscles!

In conjunction with the IMYC big idea “Collaboration” the 6th graders have been working with Muscles!

Not only have they learnt how the human skeletal muscles work, but have also had the opportunity to think about creating a new muscle for the human body to improve on its functionality! For example adding gills, so we breathe underwater, creating an extra muscle around the heart to lower the chances to heart disease!

…And We’re BACK! – Reading to the Moon and Back that is

Welcome back to a new school year.

Last year’s challenging and successful I Love Reading to the Moon and Back was such a hit that the language teachers and the students decided to do it all again.

On August 18, the second day of school, the students in grades 4, 5, and 6 were already in the school library choosing their first books for the challenge.

In just 10 days, on August 28, seventy students had read 5000 pages! The students proudly put the first book up in the Reading to the Moon display.

Well done and keep reading!

Reading to Moon – May Landing!

Better late than never!

Futuraskolan International Rådan is thrilled to announce that on May 29, 2020, grades 4, 5, 6A and 6B reached the moon!

Eighty two students read a total of 385,000 pages in 10 months! What an achievement!

Well done!