Sofiadagen 2020

The year 1890 Sofia Alm started Rådan skolan as a foundation to ensure girls from less fortunate circumstances to be granted a basic education. The girls lived at Rådan from 5-18 years old. Every year on the 15th of May, when Sofias name is celebrated in the Swedish calendar, Rådan skolan raises money to Malala fund in Sofias memory!

Find out what Rådan got up to HERE


Grade 6 – Young Reporters of the Environment

In Grade 6 we have been working with Håll Sverige Rent’s competition. Learners had to write a report or produce a film about sustainability. The piece should include a local issue that can be linked globally, include research, at least one interview and at least one solution. Below are four articles whose authors are entering the competition. Good luck!

Our World’s Tobacco


Nature Monsters


Reading to the Moon – Holiday Pages!

Futuraskolan International Rådan’s I Love Reading to the Moon and Back challenge made great gains during the holidays.

So far the students have read an amazing 125 000 pages!

The students in grades 4, 5 and 6 read so many pages over the holidays that the teachers are still counting the pages, listening to presentations and reading book reviews!

Well done, everyone!


IMYC och kreativitet på svenskan
Vi har skrivit berättelser i våra fixed pairs samt skrivit personliga inbjudningar till våra fadderbarn i årskurs 1. De har blivit inbjudna till lässtund med saft och pepparkakor i slutet av denna vecka.
Uppgiften var att skapa kreativa och personliga inbjudningar och vi har fått se allt från digitala mästerverk, pop-up kort, scrapbooking, tågbiljetter och handritade hälsningar. Nedan ser ni några av många fina inbjudningar.
Åk 6 Läser MYCKET!
I vårt läsprojekt och vår stora utmaning att läsa hela vägen till månen innan skolårets slut, uppmärksammades idag två elever lite extra.
Emilia i 6R och Greta i 6B har läst många böcker och då såklart bidragit med många sidor. De har också tagit stort ansvar över sitt läsprotokoll, sina redovisningar, varierat sig i sina framställningar samt peppat och inspirerat sina klasskamrater.
Då vi precis läst klart första boken om Alex Dogboy kändes det perfekt att ge dem del 2, Tredje kärleken samt något gott att tugga medan de läser som en liten motiverande  belöning.
Heja er!
I Love Reading to the Moon and Back

Futuraskolan International Rådan students are AMAZING!

In the 55 days since the I Love Reading to the Moon and Back challenge started, students in grades 4, 5, 6B and 6R have read a whopping 55,000 pages!

What a great group of readers!

The Reading Continues…

This Wednesday, as part of the I Love Reading to the Moon and Book challenge, Futuraskolan International Rådan grades 4, 5, 6B and 6R visited Sollentuna Library.

The students had the opportunity to find books that they could choose for the reading challenge. Many students asked the librarians for help with specific topics that ranged from zombies, fantasy novels, football biographies, World War II autobiographies, vegan health and chemistry. Rådan students sure do have a wide range of interests!

Many student got new library cards and were thrilled to be able to check out their own books.

IPC and IMYC Books

Futuraskolan International Rådan’s library has books displays this months which reflect the International Primary Years and Middle Years Curriculum themes that Rådan students are working with.

These themes are digital gamers, earth and space, beliefs, the human brain and chemistry, creativity, curiosity, and entrepreneurship.

The books on display cover a wide range of possibilities in each of these areas and include works of fiction and non-fiction in both Swedish and English.

Mål, Utveckling, Framåtsyftande Plan och Progression
Vi pratar mycket om mål, utveckling, framåtsyftande plan och progression i vår skola och på lektionerna i svenska.
Det är även viktigt att stanna upp och reflektera över vad som är bra, vad som fungerar och vad just varje individ är glad och tacksam över här och nu. Det har vi gjort nu under första veckan efter läslovet.
Många är stolta över vår fina skola, vårt mysiga klassrum, sin egen utveckling samt känner tacksamhet över sina vänner.
Grade 6 – IMYC exit point
Today we had our IMYC Exit Point where we had UN Day.  Students from Years 6-9 had a roll play about the war in Yemen and how to find a peaceful solution, while Year 6 students also had the choice to take part in a theatre group or work for the newspaper reporting about UN Day.  Here you see pictures of Alexandra doing a great job presenting at the UN Conference on behalf of Bolivia as well as the name tags given to students in order to receive admission to the conference.  Was a wonderful day in all with our students doing a fantastic job.
Johanna & Duncan