Step by Step…Page by Page


Futuraskolan International Rådan’s grade 4, 5 and 6 students have read over 45000 pages in 8 weeks!

Amazing! Keep up the great reading!

Autumn Break Junior and Senior Reading Displays

This term we have been encouraging grades 4 to 6 to “read to the moon and back”.

Continuing with the spirit of reading, we are encouraging F-class through to grade 9 to read as much as possible through out their autumn break!!

Happy reading!!

Rådans Elever ÄLSKAR att Läsa
I årskurs 4-6 har vi ett läsprojekt och en utmaning att läsa lika många sidor som det är km till månen. Vi har ett läsprotokoll som uppmuntrar till olika genres och varianter av böcker samt ger eleverna en möjlighet att öva på olika presentationstekniker och variationer. Vi har en väldigt fin display i vår matsal som tydligt visualiserar varje trappsteg vi tar. Eleverna är engagerade och många uttrycker att de verkligen hittat läslust och upptäckt nya författare och sorters böcker de inte brukade läsa förut. Här kommer några citat från elevernas utvärdering av början av läsprojektet.
“Bästa med det här projektet är att man får läsa mycket och jag tycker om att läsa mycket. Det bästa med att läsa är att man kan lära sig olika faktor,ord,stava och läsa”
“Det bästa med det är att man får ta väldigt mycket tid till att läsa och jag älskar att läsa. Jag tycker att det är kul och spännande med projektet för att trappan är cool och att man får läsa. Jag tror att vi gör det för att vi ska läsa och lära oss mer och få mer information till hjärnan”.
“Jag tycker att det är bra för när man läser så lär man sig nya ord och grejer jag själv har lärt mig massor.
Jag tror att vi gör det här för att vi läser för lite och att vi måste utveckla våra ord.
Jag tycker att det är jättebra för att nu börjar verkligen folk i vår skola läsa och utpeka att det är roligt”
Med hopp om en fortsatt lustfylld läsande och kreativ höst!
I Love Reading to the Moon and Back challenge – Step by Step

Futuraskolan International Rådan’s I Love Reading to the Moon and Back challenge is well under way.

The students in grades 4, 5, 6B and 6R are reading like they’ve never read before and it’s AMAZING!

In the first 42 days of the challenge, the students have read an astounding 30 000 pages!


Great work!


(The library will need a ton of new books if the students keep reading at this pace!)

Sleight of Hand

As part of the I Love Reading to the Moon and Back challenge students need to read a book selected by one of their teachers or the librarian.

Grade 5 student, Arian, asked the librarian for a recommendation and, knowing the student’s interest in magic tricks, suggested the book Magic Tricks with Coins, Cards and Everyday Objects, by Jake Banfield.

Needless to say Arian was thrilled at the opportunity to read a book that in his words, “isn’t really a book.”

Last week Arian presented his review of Banfield’s book and performed a card trick for the librarian.

Arian definitely recommends this book. He reports that it was easy to learn the tricks because each trick was presented step-by-step and with clear explanations. He said that each trick has tips with it and they helped a lot.

One of the best things about Magic Tricks, Arian says, is that right at the beginning there is a legend that provides a ranking for each trick. For example, Arian examples, tricks are not only organized by card tricks, coin tricks, etc., they also have a ranking of easy to really difficult.


He said that this ranking, along with the clear, illustrated instructions makes this a great book for anyone who wants to learn some magic tricks.

When the I Love Reading to the Moon and Back challenge reaches the moon, there will be a huge, out-of-this-world celebration and Arian said he would be thrilled to take part and perform some magic tricks for his classmates.

Well done, Arian!

Safety First

At Futuraskolan International Rådan, safety is a serious business!

One of Rådan’s teachers is the school’s Safety Officer and another staff member is the Fire Safety Office.

These two staff member thought that it would be a good idea to involve students in school safety as well.

Two students were selected to represent F-5 and 6-9. The students will participate in safety workshops and first aid information sessions and then be able to share their knowledge with their year groups.

Rådan’s Safety Officer made badges for the two students.

Welcome Tim and Lara to Rådan’s Safety Team!

I Love Reading to the Moon and Back – Book Recommendation

Students participating in the I Love Reading to the Moon and Back challenge need recommend one of the books that they read.

Today Simon recommended I Varuhuset, by Ture Sventon. He said that, “You never know what is going to happen next.” Simon said that the ending was perfect for the story.

He also commented that he would remake the cover of the book because the current one doesn’t really do justice to the story. The story is way more exciting than the cover. He said he would add a security guard and a guard dog and remove the flowers.

Well done, Simon! Thank you recommending this book.

Here is summary of Tuve Sventon’s 18th novel:

Vad är det klokaste man kan göra när ens fina varuhus har drabbats av mystiska stölder? Och när en epokgörande vätska försvinner ur ett laboratorium? Naturligtvis att vända sig till privatdetektiv T Sventon, Stockholm.

P3X är den världsberömde professor Nickels senaste uppfinning. En vätska som tar bort all lukt, den värsta odör, likväl som den finaste vällukt. Med en flaska P3X i handen kan vilken bov som helst gå fri från vilka blodhundar som helst! Och det förklarar varför varuhushunden Ludvig inte kan få upp minsta spår efter den mystiske gråklädde man som nattetid hemsöker varuhuset City …

Men Ture Sventon lyckas givetvis med sedvanlig skicklighet att lösa denna även gåta. Den bov finns inte som lyckas överlista Sveriges – ja, kanske hela världens – skickligaste privatdetektiv.

Page by Page…

As part of the I love Reading to the Moon and Back challenge, Futuraskolan International Rådan students in grades 4, 5, 6B and 6R have read over 15 000 pages in less than one month!

Yesterday their Swedish teacher added a third book to the ladder to moon.


Keep up the amazing work, Rådan students!

There’s a whole lot of Reading going on at Rådan!

Futuraskolan International Rådan has a unique reading challenge this year and everyone is really excited!

This year, the students in grades 4, 5 and 6 will participate in the I Love Reading to the Moon and Back challenge. The students will count each page they read as one kilometre. Their teachers will keep track of the weekly totals and after 5000 pages/kilometres, the Swedish teacher will add another book to the display. The books will form a stepladder the reaches all the up to the moon.

The students have to read a selection of 11 different genres. A different type of assignment is required for each book. The students can present their projects to any of the language teachers in the school. Students who take mother tongue lessons are encouraged to read a book in their native language and present to their home language teachers.

Students started this challenge on August 26. On September 10, the students earned their first book with a total of 5500 pages read in 16 days! WOW!!

Only six days later, on September 16, the students earned their second book with another 5000 pages. INCREDIBLE!

Well done, Rådan students!



impacts in history – Grade 6

In history lessons in grade 6 the students get to learn about and portray different people that have made an impact in the past who have affected our present life today, all the way from Leif Ericsson in the 900s to Eva Ekeblad in 1700s. They then get to speed date each other to learn more about the different times, the changes and continuity of the history of Sweden. It’s a fun and engaging way to learn about a vast timespan and make the students aware of how individuals can have a great impact on history.